Pastors Dan & Joan Olson are graduates of Rhema Bible Training Center and full time pastors since 1979. They founded Living Word Church, an active family church, in 1997 in Branson West, MO. The Olsons, married since 1971, are blessed with 6 children and a growing number of grandchildren.
Pastor Joan is a graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center and has been an ordained minister since 1979. She actively ministers alongside her husband (Pastor Dan Olson). She is the mother of six and has been blessed with a growing number of grandchildren! She is an anointed teacher of the Word of God.

Pastor Jessica Gibson is a graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center (1994) and has also attended Supernatural Ministries Training Institute for three years, studying the Word in depth and the ministry of the Local church. She has been a part of Living Word Church since it began in 1997. She served as the Youth Pastor for 15 years and now is an Associate Pastor and holds several leadership roles here in the ministry.
Pastor Jessica has a passion to see people of all ages (especially teenager) find their place in the Body of Christ and to fulfill the destiny God has for them, both locally and abroad. Her and her husband have a great desire to see the Great Commission fulfilled and travel internationally on world missions every year. Pastor Jessica has traveled with Global Expeditions since 1990 and has been a project director with them since 1997.
Paul and Jessica were married in 2003 and now are enjoying raising three beautiful children; Daniel Paul, Elliana and Madelyn. Their purpose as a family is to enjoy God, enjoy life, and enjoy each other. Their life verse is Mark 8:35 (NKJV) For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it.
Currently, Pastor Jessica and her family are serving on the missions field in Panama. Find out more about them at Gibson Family Missions.

Born in Nebraska but raised in the Ozarks, Sam Wolf has been attending Living Word Church since the age of ten. Sam’s involvement in the multimedia department began with operating the overhead projector during praise & worship. Since then, Sam has moved from transparencies to Photoshop and now oversees the graphic design, web design, and live audio/visual aspects of the church.
Sam and his wife, Ashley, have been married since 2009. They have five boys! Sam enjoys spending time with family and friends, Android powered phones, and sipping on a good cup of coffee.

Reached by the Bus Kids and Oneighty outreach ministries, Ashley Wolf has been attending Living Word Church full-time since 2002. Ashley started serving at LWC by simply filling the speaker’s water glasses before service, then progressed into running sound. Since then, Ashley completed a 2 year internship with LWC and then came on staff in 2008 as Pastoral Assistant. She has become asset in the church office, organizing and processing the internal necessities of the ministry. She enjoys using her creative gift to propel the gospel inside and outside the church walls!
Ashley currently oversees the Children’s Ministry, including the Nursery, Young Explorers, and Kids Church.
Ashley and her husband, Sam Wolf, have been fabulously married since 2009. They have five sons. Ashley enjoys spending quality time with her family and serving along side her husband in the ministry.

Sarah Stump has interned with Honor Academy of the Ozarks, Teen Mania’s School of Worship program, & led worship for Acquire the Fire Ministries. During that time she knew that God was calling her to be a worship leader. She is passionate about using the gifts and anointing God has placed on her life to minister to others through Praise & Worship. The Praise Team’s sole purpose is to bring glory to God, support the local church, & never compromise the anointing.
Sarah has been married since 2014 to BJ. They have three boys. Sarah loves spending time serving within the church and cultivating a praise team to advance His Kingdom.

Joe Wolf is a licensed minister of the Gospel and has been a part of the Living Word Church family since 1999; in fact, he found his sweetheart, Melissa, that very same year in this very church and married her 16 years later! Joe and Melissa have two sons and one daughter; as a couple they enjoy serving in the church praise and worship team together and making memories outdoors. Joe has been teaching the Sr. High class at LWC since 2010.
Joe lives to serve the lives of teenagers, and because of that, he has earned his bachelor’s degree in English education and currently teaches at a local high school. He has been on numerous missions trips across the globe, and he continues to answer the call to go, often bringing teenagers with him, giving them the same life-changing experience he had on his first trip as a 14-year-old.

Melissa Wolf
Bus Kids Director
Melissa Wolf has attended Living Word Church since its inception in 1997. She began serving in children's ministry at the young age of 7 and started serving on the praise and worship team at age 12. Melissa later attended the Honor Academy of the Ozarks internship and was able to learn much about the inner workings of the local church. She especially grew to have a heart for the Bus Kids outreach. After she graduated her second year of the internship in 2011, she became the Bus Kids ministry coordinator. Melissa then became the Bus Kids director in 2019.

Sue Battaglia received Christ during her senior year of high school in January 1974, the same night as her boyfriend (now her husband), at a home bible study meeting. They decided to put God first by reading His Word daily and God has put a passion in her to help others become ALL that they were created to be in Christ and to experience the transforming and renewing power of the true and living Word of God.
God lead Scott and Sue to Living Word Church in 1997. Sue helps coordinate LWC’s annual marriage seminar, serves on the leadership team, in the welcome center, and along with her husband, mentors young engaged couples. "I m off and running, and I m not turning back." Php 3:14 The Message
Sue is married to her husband, Scott, and has 6 children along with 17 grandchildren.

Rev. Mike Stanton is a 1980 graduate of Rhema Bible Training College and has been active in ministry for over 40 years. He served as an assistant pastor and Bible school teacher in Canada. Rev. Stanton pastored in Ozark, MO for 13 1/2 years and is currently traveling and teaching in the United States and throughout the Far East, Central America, and South America. His emphasis when overseas is to teach in pastor and leaders conferences and teach in Bible schools. Mike and his wonderful wife live in Nixa, MO.

Janice has been a part of Living Word Church since 2001. She is married to Peter Bass and they both have served in the Ministry of Helps their entire married life of nearly 45 years. Currently she oversees the ushers. Peter and Janice have four daughters, and many grandchildren. One of her greatest satisfactions in life is seeing her own grown children and their spouses serving in their local churches.