Wednesday Nights 7:00 pm

Study Guide Content

YOUTH GROUP - Wednesday Nights

Teens are able to experience spiritual growth with our Wednesday night services where they are taught the Word of God and how to apply it to their lives.

Wednesday: opens immediately following praise and worship

Jr. & Sr. High meet together.

Joe Wolf is our other Youth Pastor.  He is a licensed minister of the Gospel.  He has been teaching Sr. High since the year 2010.  He is a 2 year graduate of the Honor Academy of the Ozarks. He worked several years after graduating in a mentorship/leadership capacity.


YOUTH NIGHTS - 2nd Wednesdays

On the 2nd Wednesday each month, we have YOUTH NIGHTS!  These are special nights we provide transportation to area students to come to youth group!  We especially connect with the students that have aged-out of our monthly Bus Kids Outreach.

These nights include food, games, and a powerful truth from the Word of God.

If you need more information regarding transportation for Youth Nights, contact Chelsea Gardner at 601-874-5213

Access Permission Slip for Youth Nights HERE